Midwinter Update from the Golden Stone Inn

Hey, Folks! Greetings from wintry West Yellowstone, Montana. Today we have a message from our talented General Manager at the Golden Stone Inn, Cory Inouye with a mid-winter update and an invitation for the upcoming Summer season.
Each morning when we’re clearing snow, we find the tracks of our little fox. I’ve seen her a couple times, she’s all poofed up with her thick winter coat. The Nordic skiers continue to have fantastic days and with the park open to both sleds and tours, the photos of Yellowstone’s winter shared at the lodge have been stunning. We have a new wolf pack near the west entrance gate and they’ve taken down a bison on the banks of the Madison. A couple of our guests arrived as the pack started their feast. The park completely changes this time of year and don’t for a second think this place hibernates. Yet, I’m counting down days for spring when Mother Nature lets loose the rivers. We still have a few spots in our summer’s schedule for those needing some special days on the river with Big Sky Anglers. And I sure hope you’ll take advantage of the special package pricing we have at the Golden Stone Inn with our Angling Packages.
Your days will be filled with great moments. Crisp mornings, hot coffee, and a hearty breakfast; all in the company of new and old fishy friends. There's excitement while loading up each morning with your guide for destinations holding storied trout. Moments on the river or lakes can literally haunt your fishing career, hunting for swirls, chasing rising mouths, and hoping a few will take your fly. There is peacefulness in the sound of riffles and trying to make a perfect cast to a hungry foe.
Outstanding lunches, beautiful scenery, and life-long comradery with guides and those family and friends we rarely get to spend time with. There is the opportunity to grow and learn from the decades of experience from your guide. These days will wear you out, and when you arrive back at the lodge, the day still has a little magic left in it. Sitting by the fire and peeking up into the stars of the Montana skies and listening to your friends’ wild tales will rejuvenate the soul. Each room and cabin is superbly cared for, incredibly comfortable, and will make you feel right at home. And these great moments are what Angling Packages include. The more days you add, the better it gets.
I hope you’ll join us this coming summer to make a few of your own memories. From the time you arrive you’ll be treated to the total experience as a member of the Big Sky Anglers family. Maybe you'll even have a chance to meet "Foxy."