Nymph Fishing: New Angles, Tactics, and Techniques
Best-selling author George Daniel shares expert tactics and techniques for a new generation of nymph anglers. He covers specialized equipment, flies, and presentations, focusing on advanced lessons and tips for anglers with a solid grasp of fundamentals. Important technique sequences and fly patterns are photographed in detail. 25 B/W illustrations, 250 color photos, 7x9 inches, 224 pgs.
George Daniel is the author of the bestselling Dynamic Nymphing and Strip Set and is a contributing editor for Fly Fisherman magazine. He is the owner and operator of Livin on the Fly, a fly-fishing educational/guide company based near his home in Lamar, Pennsylvania. George conducts fly-fishing seminars and clinics across the country and is an Orvis ambassador. He lives on the banks of his favorite trout stream with his wife and two children.