YNP Report - September 12, 2024

Idyllic autumn weather is about to change this week as a quick moving storm arrives to the high country of Yellowstone today (Thursday) bringing with it cold temps, soaking rain, and a chance for snow in the highest elevations. This is exactly what we've been waiting for to jump start our fall fishing season into action.
On the iconic western waters of the Madison, Gibbon, and Firehole Rivers, fall fishing revolves around hatches of Baetis mayflies, and migratory brown trout, both of which are more prolific during periods of inclement weather. This first storm of the fall season will be short-lived, but you can still expect to see periods of good dry fly fishing and streamer fishing during these scuzzy conditions. With daytime high temps not forecasted to break 45 degrees today, don't expect to see strong hatches until mid day. But don't think that's your excuse to sleep in, or drink an extra cup of coffee by the fire. Get out early and spend the pre-hatch hours stripping streamers or swinging flies for the first migratory trout of the season on the Madison.
Please keep in mind, the Firehole River remains on Hoot Owl closure due to warm water temps. The river and its associated tributaries are closed to fishing daily from 2 p.m. to sunrise the following day. If the forecasts hold true we are in for a beautiful weekend followed by a return to cool, wet weather next week which will likely bring water temps down to the point that restrictions can be lifted. Keep an eye on Firehole Water Temps HERE, and Weather Forecasts HERE.
Beautiful autumn weather will return by the weekend giving us another chance to sight fish for large Yellowstone Cutthroat trout on the technical waters of Slough Creek and the Yellowstone River. Hatches of Fall Baetis and Drake mayflies will be present on both fisheries, though bug numbers will likely be sparse on bright, sunny days. It only takes a handful of these mayflies to get the big cutts looking up. So, keep a size 12 drake at the top of your batting order once you've spotted a good target. Round out your selection with size 20 baetis imitations, and size 16 ants to fool the pickiest fish.
Keep an eye on streamflows HERE, or stop by the shop for the latest report on water conditions in the Lamar River and Soda Butte Creek. Both fisheries will likely see a bump in flows and turbidity after this most recent round of moisture rolls through.
With both stormy and sunny days in the forecast for much of the next week, the Gallatin River in YNP will be a great option for anglers looking for a good variety of angling opportunities. The best fishing here will begin in the late-morning with fish feeding well on nymphs. Stormy afternoons will present good hatches of baetis and drake mayflies, while sunny ones will offer up good hopper and ant fishing. No matter the conditions, there will be some good fishing to be found on the Gallatin for the remainder of the month.
If you have any questions about the fishing closures in YNP, or good fishing options in the upcoming week, please don't hesitate giving us a ring in the shop (406) 646-7801. We'd be happy to help you make the most out of your YNP fishing.