meet Greg
Another guide once said this about Greg. “Falls doesn’t even row, he just goes down the river netting trout”.
Greg Falls has guided in Montana since 2000, and for Big Sky Anglers since we were founded in 2004. He is based out of Wolf Creek, Montana, and focusing his guiding skills on the Missouri River. Greg is one of the finest guides when fishing anywhere in Montana, but his knowledge of the Missouri River is unsurpassed. Quality conversation, patient and thoughtful instruction, and great angling are trademarks of his guide trips. On the broad and seemingly featureless flats of the Missouri, there are a few guides and anglers who seem to have a type of sixth sense for the where, when, why, and how of the trout. Greg is one of those people.
A native of Georgia, Greg ventured out to Montana for the first time in 1986 to hunt pheasants and fish the famous Missouri River. Something about the pace of life, and those pods of big rainbows really got to him. After several more hunting and fishing vacations to the area, Greg moved to Wolf Creek permanently in 1996 to live year round on the Missouri River.
During the winter off-season, Greg has spent time in Missoula, Great Falls, Bozeman, and the Missouri River Canyon working with wood, building wooden drift boats and fine furniture alongside a couple different local woodworkers. His travels have taken him to Thailand from time to time as well. Most recently, he has been traveling back to Georgia for the winter to hang out with family and visit old friends in the South. Come spring, though, he’ll be back where he belongs, hunting heads on the Mo.

top quality
guides make the difference
Top quality, but gentle instruction is the trademark of our focused and relaxed style of guiding. Big Sky Anglers employs some of the Rocky Mountains’ most patient and experienced guides to provide you with an unforgettable fishing experience. Whether you’re a novice, expert, or somewhere in between, there is always something to learn from a day of guided fishing.