Madison River Report - August 3, 2023

Madison River Report - August 3, 2023


NWE dropped flows just a little bit (10%) due to the cloudy, wet and cooler forecast for the next week.  This really shouldn’t hurt things all that much.

Below Hebgen- 1130 CFS

Kirby- 1280 CFS

Varney- 1460 CFS


There are still plenty of fish to be found between the lakes given the abundance of bug life that continues to present itself on a daily basis. Single dries have continued to be extremely productive, your drift will thank you for fishing a single fly! With the wet and cloudy weather we are seeing here this next week, BWO could easily make an appearance.  Also, don’t forget that streamer box…

Small caddis, PMDs, BWO and micro chubbies have been solid options to throw tight up against the banks and throughout slick water.


Small dry flies continue to be produce this week from below Quake Lake to Lyons Bridge . Micro chubbies, Jojos Chubinator, Iron X-Caddis and Iris Caddis have been top contenders in the lineup of recent hot flies. Ants and hoppers were starting to produce this past week, but that will likely slow down with the change of weather in the forecast.  Toss in a puck of streamers, these clouldy days could bring out some bigger trout that have been sulking mid river in the deep pockets.

Take your time working through water in the wade section this week- it is important to focus on your first cast in each new section of water, ensuring that you’re putting your best foot forward in each initial presentation.  That said, don’t continue to make cast after cast in the same spot, make sure to keep moving and fish new water.


Caddis are the name of the game in float stretch, but ants, hoppers, beetles and even a few nocturnal stone flies have seen skating around the banks.  Hopper season is right around the corner, but with this week’s wet and cold weather, I doubt they will be moving very much.  Be on the look out for BWO mayflies this week.  Corn-Fed Caddis, Missing Links, and Micro Tan Chubbies have been great options for feeding rising fish sipping size 14 and 16 caddisflies. When the going gets tough, you can always tie on a small dropper to try to get fish moving. Try an Olive Bullet Quill, smaller rubber legs, CDC Pheasant Tail, Duracell, or AZ Hares Ear nymph either under a Chubby or larger indicator. 

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Madison River

Perhaps the most prominent fishing destination in the area, the Madison River is also one of the most diverse fisheries in the western US, with multiple sections split based on geography and topography.

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